A fresh and exuberant presence in the contemporary art scene, artist Wendy Franklin is redefining and re-establishing the role of fiber art through the finest galleries in the country. Using centuries-old techniques involving intricate layering of individual fibers, she transforms raw materials into yards of luminous color. Her work is rooted in the global tradition of textile art and motivated by a pursuit to elevate the medium to new levels. Franklin’s tactile creations speak to both the strength and the fragility of the human condition. Her dedication to natural materials and processes paired with an innovative application of compelling color and design have placed her solidly within the fine art realm.

Wendy Franklin is perhaps most well known for her celebrated Bar Collective Series. These innovative installations, consisting of fiber wrapped wooden/steel bars, offer an exciting alternative to the rectangular confines of the wall painting. Inspired by the vertical motif offence posts, these sculptural forms are symbolic of the barriers that keep us confined and protected from outside forces. Franklin’s work is exhibited in several galleries across the country and has been included in multiple individual and corporate collections including Barnes and Thornburg, Bedel Financial and Community North Hospitals.AcAcr